Collision Damage Waiver

Collision Damage Waiver

Hirers can opt for the Collision Damage Waiver (CDW) which reduces the excess on the vehicle from £1500 down to only £150 for every occurrence of damage by paying an additional amount.

2 HOURS £5
4 HOURS £7.50
24 HOURS £15

7.5 ton trucks and minibuses have an excess of £2000. Drivers aged 25 years and over can reduce this excess to £200 by paying

24 HOURS £20

Conditions of our damage protection program:
By signing the front of the contract you are accepting the conditions of our Damage Protection and Insurance program. If you have bought damage protection from us for your rental, we will not charge you the full cost for damage to, or for the theft of our vehicle. You are only responsible for the damage deposit amount noted on the front of this contract. However we can hold you responsible for the full cost if the damage or theft has been caused by you or an approved driver when,
1. The vehicle has been used for an illegal purpose,
2. The vehicle has been overloaded,
3. Any overhead damage and damage caused by hitting overhanging objects,
4. The vehicle has been used for racing, speedtesting or teaching someone to drive,
5. The vehicle has been used for carrying fare-paying passengers,
6. The vehicle has been used in a way that breaks other parts of the contract as printed on the reverse of the rental contract,
7. The vehicle has been used for a purpose for which you need an operator's licence if you do not have one,
8. The vehicle has been driven while the driver was under the influence of alcohol or drugs or could reasonably have been considered unfit to drive,
9. You have not taken all reasonable care of the rented vehicle when parking it or did not make sure that it is properly locked.
10. You have used the wrong fuel for the vehicle
11. The repair costs fall within your damage deposit amount.

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